Electromagnetic Simulation Software
Antenna Analysis Software Antenna analysis. Element beam designer. This is a DOS program that will design a 2 element beam for a given frequency. The gain is about 6dbs the front to back ratio is about 1. The SWR will be about 1. The only information required is the freq in MHZ. Hits 1. 65. 1 Votes 7 Rating 4. EL Quad Designer. This DOS program will figure the wire sizes for a 3 element quad and will also give you the distance from the center of the boom to drill your holes for mounting the wire on the spider. Hits 1. 16. 6 Votes 3 Rating 3. NEC2 antenna modeler. Hfss Electromagnetic Simulation Software' title='Hfss Electromagnetic Simulation Software' />FEKO is a leading electromagnetic software used in multiple industries including aerospace, defense, automotive, communications and consumer electronics. Free Electromagnetic Simulation Software' title='Free Electromagnetic Simulation Software' />Nec. Nec. 4 and windows based tool for creating, viewing, optimizing and checking 2. D and 3. D style antenna geometry structures and generate, display andor compare nearfar field radiation patterns for both the starting and experienced antenna modeler. Can be interfaced to HFwin. Hits 2. 83. 68 Votes 1. Rating 7. 3. 0 AA3. RL Transmission Line Calculator. Excel spreasheet that calculate virtually every transmission line parameter that one may need. Include Length conversions, Reactance and Length of Stubs. Hits 4. 87. 9 Votes 1. Engineering Simulation Software. Whenever I speak to our customers who want to run our software on something more powerful than their desktop computers, I hear the. Rating 6. 6. 7 AC6. LA Mox. Gen. Mox. Gen will show you the dimensions and generate an antenna model file for a 5. Moxon Rectangle antenna, given the design frequency and wire size. Hits 4. 40. 6 Votes 1. Electromagnetic Simulation Software' title='Electromagnetic Simulation Software' />Rating 6. AEA Wireless software. AEA Wireless Director Software Series turns PCs running Windows 9. ME or NT into powerful tools that expand the use and power of SWR, Return Loss and Complex Impedance Analyzers. Hits 2. 51. 2 Votes 6 Rating 5. AM Loop Antenna Calculator. Java script calculator for AM loop antennas. Hits 7. 68. 0 Votes 3. Rating 5. 4. 5 Antenna Log Periodic Design. Log periodic antenna design excel sheet file download, in italian. Hits 4. 61. 1 Votes 8 Rating 7. Antenna Maker. Antenna design program for Quads, Yagis, Inverted Vees, J poles, Trap Dipoles and more. Hits 7. 70. 57 Votes 1. Rating 4. 7. 9 Antenna Modeling Files. A collections of antenna models submitted to arrl and can be used with NEC 4 or Yagi Optimizer modeling programs. Hits 2. 40. 4 Votes 5 Rating 5. Antenna Software at QRZ. Large collection of radio related software at QRZ. Hits 2. 19. 33 Votes 8. Rating 5. 0. 3 Antenna Solver. NEC module. Hits 6. Votes 1. 3 Rating 6. Antenna Visualization. UNIX Application developped at the University of Texas Department of the Computer Sciences, permit to display the radiation pattern and the current magnitude. Hits 5. 81. 0 Votes 2. Rating 5. 8. 1 Ariel 3. HF wire antenna design program by WB4. ZYA for DOS. Hits 3. Votes 3 Rating 5. ASAP. Antenna Scatterers Analysis Program, is a Free general purpose antenna analysis software program for numerical electromagnetic antenna design, modeling and analysis. Source code and windows executables are available to download. Hits 1. 40. 93 Votes 7 Rating 6. Auto. EZ. Automated use of EZNEC. Auto. EZ is an Excel application that works in conjunction with the EZNEC antenna modeling programs and allows you to use variables to control diverse aspects of the model. You can then run multiple EZNEC test cases while Auto. EZ automatically changes one or more variables between runs. Commercial version and free demo available for download. Hits 1. 02 Votes 0 Rating 0. Cantenna Calculator. A circular waveguide calculator for designing cantennas include source code and windows executable by lincomatic. Hits 2. 82. 4 Votes 6. Rating 4. 5. 5 Coax Cable loss and SWR calculator. This small window application will calculate Coax Cable loss from SWR and SWR from Cable Loss. Hits 6. 63. 6 Votes 5. Rating 3. 3. 6 Coax Dipole Calculator. An efficient program to calculate dimensions of coax dipoles, or bazooka antennas considering velocity length of different coax cables. Express dimensions in feetinch and meterscm. Freeware by VE3. SQB. Hits 1. 05. 99 Votes 4. Rating 5. 2. 3 Coax. Trap. This program let you design of antenna trap using length of coaxial line wound as solenoid on a coil former. Hits 5. 16. 8 Votes 9 Rating 3. NEC. cocoa. NEC 2. Mac OS X application intended primarily for the design and modeling of antennas by Kok Chen, W7. AY. Hits 1. 34. Votes 2 Rating 1. Design and build helix antennas. An on line javascript calculator and quite a few pictures to show how to make a helix antenna. Hits 1. 71. 41 Votes 3. Rating 8. 5. 3 Discone Antenna Design. Discone antenna deisgn program by K5. DKZ. Hits 1. 48. Votes 1. Rating 6. DL6. WU Long boom Yagi design tools. This is an Excel spreadsheet template to design DL6. WU Yagi antennas. Hits 1. 69. 0 Votes 2. Rating 7. 2. 7 DOS programs by g. Small collection of DOS antenna design and RF calculations programs. Hits 3. 06. 1 Votes 1. Rating 7. 0. 0 EH Antenna calculator. Calculate eh antenna components dimension with this online form. Hits 1. 91. 39 Votes 6. Rating 5. 4. 4 EM Scientific MININEC. MININEC for Windows is antenna modeling tool for the novice, student and hobbyist. Hits 2. 00. 50 Votes 2. Rating 5. 2. 2 EMCo. S Anntenna VLab. EMCo. S Antenna VLab Student Version edition contains the full functional Mo. M based 3. D EM solver. It lets to solve task that fits into as big as 2. Georg Simmel Socjologia Pdf here. 74 Super Beetle Repair Manual. GB memory for incore or out of core calculations. Both, 3. 2Bit and 6. Bit versions are available. Hits 3. 37 Votes 5 Rating 1. EMMCAP. EMMCAP is a user oriented 3. D Curved Mo. M software for the modeling of arbitrarily shaped wire structures and the computation of their electromagnetic behavior. Hits 1. 94. 4 Votes 6 Rating 5. EMWorks Antenna Design and Simulation software. Antenna Design and Simulation Software, Electro. Magnetic Magnetic Simulation Software. Electro. Magnetic. Works provides electromagnetic and magnetic software and simulation as an Add in to Solid. Works. EMS includes electrostatic, current flow or electric conduction, magnetostatic or DC magnetics, eddy current or AC time harmonic analysis, transient or pulsed magnetic, and thermal simulations. HFWorks includes s parameter or scattering parameters, antenna or radiation, and resonance or eigenvalue simulation, Antenna design software. Hits 1. 02 Votes 0 Rating 0. ERP Calculator Plus. ERP Calculator is an Amateur Radio software utility designed to perform a side by side comparison of two Ham Radio antenna systems. ERP Calculator comes pre programmed with data files including published data for several popular brands and types of coax cable as well as several popular antenna system brands and models. ERP Calculator displays values of ERP, Antenna Power Gain, Antenna Feed point Power, Antenna System Gain in d. B, Antenna Gain in d. Bd, SWR Attenuation in d. B, SWR Power Attenuation, Coax Loss in d. B, and Coax Power Loss. Hits 2. 78. 9 Votes 9 Rating 5. ERP Estimator. Calculate online, ERP in d. B and d. Bi given PWR Frequency Coax lenght and type and antenna type. Hits 1. 50. 9 Votes 5 Rating 3. EZNEC Antenna analysis. NEC 2 based antenna analysis software for the amateur and professional. Hits 2. 65. 44 Votes 7. Rating 7. 3. 6 G4. FGQ Antenna programs. Lots of antenna planning software mainly in dos version by G4. FGQ. Hits 2. 21. Votes 9 Rating 8. GAL ANA. GAL ANA is an Antenna Analyzing Tool software, based on NEC2MININEC3m engines currently available in demo mode for download. Hits 4. 28 Votes 3 Rating 3.