Cornell City Bucks Program
ANd9GcS2ayeruRBRFZ--TryVikR6fvaWz3_cug8ikqTfmk2axw5tw0G--F5dRYdG' alt='Cornell City Bucks Program' title='Cornell City Bucks Program' />Control and management of deer. Additional Deer Information. Scott R. Craven. Extension Wildlife Specialist Department of Wildlife Ecology University of Wisconsin Madison Madison, Wisconsin 5. Scott E. Hygnstrom. Extension Wildlife Damage Specialist Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 6. Fig. 1. White tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus. Deer are probably the most widely distributed and best recognized large mammals in North America. The white tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus Fig. Cornell-Law-School-placement-1.jpg' alt='Cornell City Bucks Program' title='Cornell City Bucks Program' />The New York metropolitan area, also referred to as the TriState Area, includes New York City as the most populous city in the United States, Long Island, and the. From the Chairman. O. Proud to support the st. Bucks County Designer House and Gardens Doylestown Health Physicians share the Village Improvement Association of. North America. The mule deer O. The black tailed deer O. Both white tailed and mule deer are very important game animals. In 1. 97. 4 about 2 million white tailed deer were harvested by over 8 million hunters. The trend in both harvest and hunter numbers has been generally upward since then. The positive economic value of deer through license fees, meat, and hunter expenditures for equipment, food, and transportation can be measured in hundreds of millions of dollars. Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool Terbaru. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on purchases made through our links to retailer sites. Your source for local news, sports, high school sports and weather in and around Jefferson City, Columbia, Fulton and the Lake of the Ozarks. All of MidMissouri. Hesselton and Hesselton 1. United States to be 1,2. With the additional aesthetic value of deer to landowners and vacationers, importance of deer as a wildlife resource cannot be disputed. Despite their economic and aesthetic values, deer also have a variety of negative economic impactsthey damage crops and personal property, and harbor diseases common to humans and livestock. Unlike moles, rats, and other species implicated in damage, deer cannot be casually eliminated when in conflict with humans. But neither can landowners be expected to bear the entire burden of support for this valuable public resource. These factors often make deer damage control a difficult social and political problem as well as a biological and logistical one. Control methods are built around effective deer herd management. Thus the various state wildlife agencies are often indirectly or directly involved through subsidy of control techniques, direct damage compensation payments, or technical advice. Scare devices, repellents, and shooting all have a place in deer damage control. Effective control for fields, orchards, and other large areas, however, usually depends on excluding the deer with one of several types of fences, discussed later in this chapter. Toxicants, fumigants, and in most cases, trapping, are not used in deer control. The volume of literature on deer ecology and management exceeds that for any other wildlife species. The best single reference is Halls 1. The following review is meant as a brief summary using the white tailed deer as an example. The mule deer is very similar in all respects. How Long Is An Ohl Hockey Game. Identification. Deer are even toed ungulates of the family Cervidae. Adult animals may weigh 5. Their general form is well known. At birth, fawns are rust colored with white spots. Their spotted coats are shed in 3 to 4 months and are replaced by a grayish brown fall and winter coat. The summer coat of adult animals is reddish brown. Underparts of the tail, belly, chin, and throat are white during all seasons. Antlers grow on males bucks from April to August. Antler development is nourished by a layer of soft, vascularized velvet on the antlers. The dried velvet layer is rubbed off and the antlers polished during the fall rut breeding season. Antler size depends on nutrition, age, and genetics. Mule deer antlers are forked while the tines of a white tailed deers antlers arise from a central beam. Both mule deer and white tails have deciduous antlers that are shed in mid winter. The rump and tail area and facial features also differ slightly between the species Fig. Both mule and white tailed deer lack upper incisors. The white tailed deer is found in every state in the United States except perhaps Alaska and Utah. It occurs throughout the southern provinces of Canada, across the United States, and on into Central and South America Fig. Mule deer are common throughout western Canada, western United States, and into Mexico Fig. There are several subspecies of both deer. Habitat Deer are creatures of the forest edge rather than the dense, old growth forest. They thrive in agricultural areas interspersed with woodlots and riparian habitat. They favor early successional stages which keep brush and sapling browse within reach. Dense cover is used for winter shelter and protection. Food Habits Browse leaves, stems, and buds of woody plants is generally available all year and is a staple food for deer. An extensive review of food habits can be found in Hesselton and Hesselton 1. Mackie et al. 1. Plant species vary considerably in quality and regional availability, so a list is not presented here. Forbs are eaten in spring and summer when available. Fruits and nuts especially acorns are seasonally very important. Grasses are relatively unimportant. Agricultural crops corn, soybeans, small grains, alfalfa, vegetables, and fruit trees are readily eaten when available. Local food habits studies are available in most states consult your local wildlife agency. Nutrient requirements and the amount of food consumed vary with age of the animal, season, and the reproductive cycle. Daily dry matter consumption averages 2 to 4 of live body weight. For adult bucks, daily consumption is greatest in spring and averages 4. Consumption is about half that during winter. For does, greatest daily food consumption occurs in early fall, just prior to the breeding season. General Biology, Reproduction, and Behavior Breeding occurs from October to January depending on latitude. Peak activity is in November. Does are in heat for 2. One buck may inseminate several does. No pairing takes place. Most does breed during their second fall, although on good range up to 3. Gestation is about 2. The peak of fawn drop is in May or June. Most reproducing fawns give birth to a single fawn, but adult does typically bear twin fawns. Reproductive potential is very sensitive to nutrition. Fawns weigh 7 to 8 pounds 3. Adult size varies with latitude. In northern states, a mature buck may weigh 2. A key deer buck white tailed deer subspecies in Florida may weigh only 5. Does average 2. 5 to 4. Deer are most active in early morning and evening. They have a home range of several hundred acres ha, but this varies with season, sex, and habitat quality. In northern areas, deer gather yard in dense cover for the winter. They may move long distances from summer range to a winter yard. Life expectancy is dependent on hunting pressure and regulations. Records show whitetails living 2. Damage and Damage Identification Deer damage a wide variety of row crops, forage crops, vegetables, fruit trees, nursery stock, and ornamentals, as well as stacked hay. In addition to the immediate loss of the crop being damaged, there is often residual damage in the form of future yield reduction of fruit trees or forage crops such as alfalfa. Ornamental trees or nursery stock may be permanently disfigured by deer browsing. Under high densities deer may severely impact native plant communities and impair regeneration of some forest tree species. Besides vegetative damage, deer vehicle collisions pose a serious risk to motorists, and deer have been implicated in the distribution and transmission of Lyme disease. Damage identification is not difficult. Because both mule deer and white tailed deer lack upper incisors, deer often leave a jagged or torn surface on twigs or stems that they browse. Rabbits and rodents, however, leave a clean cut surface. In addition, deer tracks are very distinctive Fig.